Ive always wanted a dog myself growing up.
Nothing beats the conncetion between a human and a dog. Those puppy eyes, the love look and someone that is always excited when you come home, entertains you and that loves you unconditionally. something that doesnt exist between humans, because there is always something 🙂 not with the love of a dog.its pure happiness and adoration on both sides. so with my exboyfriend we started looking at what dog to get. ive always loved golden retrievers and we had one growing up. her name is anouk and she turned 15. she was a great dog, a family member and made us laugh quit a few times 🙂 more to anouk’s stories later.
since i wanted to be able to travel with the dog and also carry him in case of an accident we decided to get a dachshund and name him Gagarin. for those who dont know who gagarin was, here a little history lesson: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juri_Alexejewitsch_Gagarin
i browsed for puppies online and there he was, a chocolat tan cutiepie. human eyes that show so much love and curiosity i knew it was him when i saw the picture. one week later there we were, heading off to germany to pick up our precious little angel. the two of us left early in the morning and returned late afternoon as a family of three.
and then we got Heidi 🙂 we thought Gagarin could use a friend and we wanted to give a home and our big heart to another puppy and so again, we browsed online and after the redeye to hamburg, the train to the eastern part of germany we became now a family of four 🙂
for those who are not sure who heidi is, have a look https://heidiland.com/en/region/all-about-heidi.html
there will be plenty pictures of thos etwo and stories, trust me we will post soon 🙂